The Revelations of David Grusch

The Revelations of David Grusch

There’s an eerie orange haze hovering over the sky here in New York City. It’s a strange feeling, like being on the surface of Dune, or in Baghdad during the Iraq War.

It certainly smells that way. Things burning. The acrid scent of smoke filling the air. People walking the streets with masks again. And I’m developing a noticeable hack.

According to the weathermen, this haze is blanketing the better portion of the north eastern United States and is being caused by unprecedented forest fires ripping through Canada as we speak.

It might as well be the Apocalypse. So what better time for the US government to come out and admit that aliens do in fact exist and that we have retrieved crashed flying saucers in our possession.

Say what? You read that right. It appears that is what just happend.

The admission comes from a government whistleblower with “high level clearance.” But is it real?

Does it matter? The second the story broke on Monday (June 5) #ufotwitter has been on fire. The hoopla is real folks. Disclosure has arrived. Maybe.

The article in question, titled “Intelligence Officials Say U.S. Has Retrieved Craft of Non-human Origin,” was written by Leslie Kean and Ralph Blumenthal and published on June 5, 2023 in the Debrief.

That's the same Leslie Kean and Ralph Blumenthal who spilled the beans on a secret Pentagon program investigating UFOs published on the front-page of the New York Times on December 17, 2017. Their current article threatens to have the same paradigm shifting impact as that one did.

The Debrief is an interesting platform. A hybrid of nuts and bolts technology with a taste for the paranormal and they don’t shy away from the UAP (read:UFO) story. Then again, MSM has been warming up to the UFO story for some time now.

The article features an interview with government whistleblower David Grusch who worked for the U.S. Department of Defense.

According to Grusch, the government, its allies, and defense contractors have been successfully recovering partial fragments and even fully intact vehicles for several decades, up until the present time.

Extensive analysis has revealed that these retrieved objects possess "exotic origins" characterized by non-human intelligence, which could either be of extraterrestrial nature or from an unknown source.

This determination is based on the examination of the vehicles' physical structures, scientific testing of their materials, and the presence of distinctive atomic arrangements and radiological signatures, as explained by Grusch.

David Grusch, 36, is a decorated former combat officer who served in Afghanistan. He is a veteran of the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) and the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO). From 2019-2021 he served as the reconnaissance office’s representative to the Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force and as the NGA’s co-lead for UAP analysis from 2021 to July 2022.

Grusch emphasized that the materials are far from ordinary. "The material," he explained, "comprises both fully intact and partially intact vehicles."

Following established protocols, Grusch submitted the information he planned to disclose to journalists to the Defense Office of Prepublication and Security Review at the Department of Defense. The statements he made on the record were officially authorized for open publication on April 4 and 6, 2023, as stated in the documents provided to the reporters.

With the implementation of new protective measures outlined in the latest defense appropriations bill, Grusch's revelations, along with those made by undisclosed witnesses, indicate a heightened resolve among certain government members to unravel an enormous enigma that holds significant national security implications. This enigma has perplexed the military and captivated the public since even before World War II.

Over numerous decades, the Air Force engaged in a disinformation campaign aimed at discrediting reported sightings of inexplicable objects. However, the tide has turned, and Congress, following two public hearings and multiple classified briefings, is now exerting pressure to obtain answers.

But part of Grusch's complaint is that information pertaining to this material is being illegally kept away from Congress and the public. According to Grusch, he tried to tell Congress by turning over classified documents but was met only with retaliation from government officials. He left the government just last April after a career in US intelligence spanning 14 years.

The existence of “exotic materials” was confirmed by US intelligence official Jonathan Grey who currently works at the National Air and Space Intelligence Center (NASIC). Grey told the Debrief, “We are not alone.”

Karl E. Nell, a retired Army Colonel and present aerospace executive, served as the Army's liaison for the UAP Task Force between 2021 and 2022. Having collaborated with Grusch during that time, Nell describes him as an individual of impeccable integrity who is “beyond reproach.”

Having dedicated close to two decades to the U.S. Intelligence Community and holding the position of Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence, Christopher Mellon has been actively engaged with Congress for numerous years, focusing on matters related to unidentified aerial phenomena.

Mellon told the Debrief, “A number of well-placed current and former officials have shared detailed information with me regarding this alleged program, including insights into the history, governing documents and the location where a craft was allegedly abandoned and recovered.”

Mellon added, “However, it is a delicate matter getting this potentially explosive information into the right hands for validation. This is made harder by the fact that, rightly or wrongly, a number of potential sources do not trust the leadership of the All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office established by Congress.”

Grusch's inquiry revolved around conducting comprehensive interviews with top-tier intelligence officials, including those directly engaged in the program. He asserts that the operation was unlawfully shielded from adequate Congressional supervision and, as a result of his investigation, he experienced targeted harassment.

According to Grusch, the retrieval operations of the crafts are currently underway at different levels of activity. He claims to possess knowledge of the individuals, both current and former, who are directly involved in these operations.

Grusch told the reporters: “Individuals on these UAP programs approached me in my official capacity and disclosed their concerns regarding a multitude of wrongdoings, such as illegal contracting against the Federal Acquisition Regulations and other criminality and the suppression of information across a qualified industrial base and academia.“

Grusch paints a troubling backstory to his unprecedented revelations concerning alien craft. What are we to make of it all? It is hard to say. It seems like the "one step forward, two steps back" dynamic is firmly in place. It will be interesting to see how it all plays out as for sure, we are suffering the ancient Chinese curse, "Hope you live in interesting times."


Intelligence Officials Say U.S. Has Retrieved Craft of Non-Human Origin - The Debrief
In a Debrief exclusive, Ralph Blumenthal and Leslie Kean report that a former official says the U.S. has retrieved craft of non-human origin.

Andrew Kim Arnett is a writer, researcher and producer. His work covers the paranormal, drug wars and unexplained mysteries. He has been published in Paranoia Magazine, New Dawn, Nexus, Konbini and Alien Buddha Press. Andrew Arnett appears on Travel Channel’s Worlds Most Unexplained (currently streaming on Discovery +) discussing the Cecil Hotel, alien abduction, the death of Elvis Presley and much more. He lives in Brooklyn, NY and hunts ghosts with the Brooklyn Paranormal Society. Find him on Twitter: @AndrewArnett