New Harvard Report Suggests Aliens May Be Living On/Beneath The Earth
A new research paper from Harvard University is putting forth the speculation that secret, technologically advanced groups of aliens may be hiding beneath the surface of the earth and even, blending in with our own population on the DL.
The study suggests that UFOs "may reflect activities of intelligent beings concealed in stealth here on Earth (e.g., underground), and/or its near environs (e.g., the moon), and/or even “walking among us” (e.g., passing as humans).
Published June 2024, the report is entitled "The cryptoterrestrial hypothesis: A case for scientific openness to a concealed earthly explanation for Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena." It is written by Tim Lomas (Harvard University), Brendan Case (Harvard University) and Michael P. Masters (Montana Technological University).
The researchers themselves are aware that such notions may sound bonkers to their colleagues, saying their paper was "likely to be regarded skeptically by most scientists." In this regards, they are urging the scientists to consider such claims "in a spirit of epistemic humility and openness."
A portion of the abstract reads as follows:
Recent years have seen increasing public attention and indeed concern regarding Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP). Hypotheses for such phenomena tend to fall into two classes: a conventional terrestrial explanation (e.g., human-made technology), or an extraterrestrial explanation (i.e., advanced civilizations from elsewhere in the cosmos). However, there is also a third minority class of hypothesis: an unconventional terrestrial explanation, outside the prevailing consensus view of the universe. This is the ultraterrestrial hypothesis, which includes as a subset the “cryptoterrestrial” hypothesis ..."
A key take away here is the terminology being used. Words like "ultra terrestrial" and "crypto terrestrial,"if ever discussed in the formality of a school classroom, would have been relegated to the English Department discussing science fiction. Now, those words have migrated down the hall to the science department, and we have to wonder, is anything going to ever the be same again?
Probably not.
There's more. Much more.
The essay explores the multifaceted nature of myths across cultures, traditionally seen as imaginative tales or moral teachings, but increasingly recognized as potential records of historical events. While myths serve various functions, including entertainment and ethical education, the paper argues, they can also encode attempts by pre-literate societies to memorialize and interpret real historical occurrences.
According to the paper, this interpretation gains credibility when recurring narratives, like the great flood, are found in diverse cultures worldwide—from Sumerian and ancient Israelite to Greek, Indian, and Cheyenne traditions.
This view is further supported by documenting coastal cultures' myths of land submergence, suggesting these stories may reflect eyewitness accounts of environmental changes. They argue that oral cultures were capable of accurately transmitting memorable events over generations, challenging previous notions of myth as pure fantasy.
As an example the paper cites Teller et al. (2000) who analyzed geological evidence of postglacial flooding in the Persian Gulf, proposing that flood myths, from the Epic of Gilgamesh to Noah's Ark, could indeed, according to the report, recount real events from 20,000 to 12,000 years ago. This perspective highlights myths not merely as imaginative constructs but as potentially valuable historical testimonies, shedding light on ancient environmental transformations and human experiences
Regarding the subject of underground civilizations, the report suggests that in recent centuries, legends of lost civilizations have often included myths of their people thriving underground. As well, this notion isn't entirely fanciful, as evidenced by historical discoveries such as Derinkuyu in Turkey, a notable underground city.
A modern day example cited in the paper can be seen with the construction of numerous underground complexes, like the Cheyenne Mountain Complex in Colorado, designed to protect against various threats, including nuclear explosions. Such fortified structures raise the possibility that earlier advanced civilizations might have chosen subterranean living for security reasons.
The paper goes on to speculate that lost civilizations extend to places like Easter Island, with its enigmatic ruins and undeciphered script, prompting theories of a once-great empire lost to the sea. The existence of these civilizations, whether global in scope or more localized, is often based on archaeological anomalies and technological sophistication found in remote or submerged locations. These ideas challenge conventional historical narratives, especially as discoveries like Göbekli Tepe push scholars to reconsider the timelines and complexities of ancient human development.
One wonders what kind of people would retreat underground? The paper suggests that "remnant forms" of super advanced humanity may exist on the planet as well as non-human "descendants of unknown, intelligent dinosaurs," may lurk underground.
If you ask me, this study appears to be dipping a bit into the David Icke sauce. Writer and researcher David Icke popularized the notion of reptilian conspiracy theory. According to Icke, these shapeshifting reptilian aliens covertly control Earth by assuming human form, infiltrating positions of political power, and manipulating human societies. He contends that numerous world leaders either are reptilians or are under their influence.
Additionally, proponents of the extraterrestrial hypothesis suggest that reptilians originate from either the Draco constellation or the Orion constellation, or they align themselves with malevolent extraterrestrials from Orion. Alternatively, some theorize that reptilians are interdimensional beings, traversing from another universe or dimension.
But really this notion of an underground alien species goes much further back than David Icke, and I am referring here to the writings of Richard Shaver who in 1943 penned a number of mind bending stories for publisher Ray Palmer and his science fiction magazine Amazing Stories. Shaver caused a public stir when he made the claim that his stories were primarily fact, not fiction.
Shaver wrote about a prehistoric race who were well advanced in technology who had built massive complex cities underneath the Earth's surface ages ago, only to abandon that for another planet. There were however, a number of these being who stayed behind on planet Earth. These eventually separated into two distinct groups: the "Teros" and the "Deros."
The Teros were in the minority and they were distinct for their retaining their noble and human traits. The Deros on the other hand degenerated greatly. These were in the majority and they were distinguished for their mental impairment and sadism. In fact, according to Shaver, the term "Deros" refers to "detrimental-robots," robotic in their inhuman robot-like behavior as apposed to their bodies being mechanical.
Though these Deros usually stay hidden beneath the surface of the planet, they sometimes travel into space in UAP style ships and have dealings with other interstellar beings, according to Shaver.
Those who delve into UAP research and UFO lore are well aware of the works of David Icke and even Richard Shaver but for Harvard scientist to echo these discussions, even if only on a theoretical level, is to say the least, quite remarkable.
Andrew K. Arnett is a writer and producer. He has been published in Paranoia Magazine, New Dawn, Nexus, Konbini and Alien Buddha Press. He lives in Brooklyn, NY and hunts ghosts with the Brooklyn Paranormal Society. Find him on Twitter: @AndrewArnett