Who Buried Joe?: 'Biden Is Dead' Conspiracy Theories Coming In Fast And Strong

Who Buried Joe?: 'Biden Is Dead' Conspiracy Theories Coming In Fast And Strong

It was only two weeks ago that Trump was hit on the ear by an assassin’s bullet but it already feels like a lifetime. Like we’ve lived with this event all our lives. It has become instantly etched into the Mount Rushmore of our collective memory banks as indelible as the JFK assassination itself.

At least it feels that way to me. Hell, there’s even a book about the assassination attempt, written by Trump himself, coming out next month.

It’s been a wild ride and no news cycle could wish for more but just days after that the sitting president, Joe Biden himself, was taken ill with the dreaded Covid, and disappeared from public view. During his absence, Biden issued a statement, not through a press release or his press secretary mind you, but on social media, declaring that he would drop out of the 2024 presidential race and back Kamala Harris instead.

We know how the Trump shooting was an instant buzz factory for churning out conspiracy theories and this latest twist in the 2024 campaign trail is tossing up some mind benders in its own right.

Far-right activist Laura Loomer as well as Charlie Kirk of the conservative youth organization Turning Point USA stated, with no hesitation (and no evidence) that Biden is literally on his death bed or is already dead.

Billionaire hedge fund boss Bill Ackerman claimed that the signature on Biden's letter of resignation was forged. On Sunday, Ackerman posted on X: "If this were a hostage situation, that letter would not qualify as proof of life."

Elon Musk replied to that comment by saying, "Does have hostage vibes."

The user "Name Redacted" then replied:

A sitting President doesn’t end his reelection campaign through a social media post on a piece of paper without official White House letterhead.
He would hold a press conference or make an Oval Office address to the public.
This is a coup. Who’s running the country right now?

Then at a rally in Ohio on Monday, Republican vice presidential nominee JD Vance suggested in a speech that Biden's decision was the result of a backroom decision made by Liberal power brokers. Vance said:

“The idea of selecting the Democratic Party's nominee because George Soros and Barack Obama and a couple of elite Democrats got in a smoke- filled room and decided to throw Joe Biden overboard, that is not how it works.”

On Monday, Charlie Kirk turned up the temperature on the conspiracy thermometer with an X post suggesting that Biden's disappearance was something a lot more serious than what the media was letting on. It read:

Got a weird lead on a story that people should look into. I got a call from a source close to Las Vegas Metro. The official story was that Joe Biden's trip was cut short last week due to COVID. However, according to this source, US Secret Service informed LV Metro that there was an emergency situation involving Joe Biden and to close necessary streets so that POTUS could be transported immediately to University Medical, which they began to do in earnest. Then, mysteriously, there was a stand down order and the USSS informed local Vegas PD that they were going to "medivac" POTUS to Johns Hopkins, which they presumed meant fly him back east ASAP. Apparently the rumor mill in the police department was that Joe Biden was dying or possibly already dead.
I didn't think too much about this lead, seemed too wild to be true, but given that Joe Biden has been out of public sight for days and dropped out of the race via an 𝕏 post, and his brother James indicated health was a factor, I'm beginning to grow more curious if COVID or something else has been more serious than reported. If anyone with LV Metro has information, please email Freedom/Kirk. I want to hear if there is more to the official story than what they're telling us.

An article by Jordan Schachtel for The Dossier (23 July 2024) stated that he had "verified several of the core elements" of Charlie Kirk’s viral X post (cited above) with law enforcement sources and they are indeed true.

On Wednesday (July 17), President Biden was scheduled to deliver the keynote speech at the UnidosUS annual convention at the MGM Grand off the Vegas Strip. This required a huge security detail which involved the Secret Service working in tandem with the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department.

But "all hell broke loose" on his way to deliver the speech, as law enforcement officers were informed that "the president was dealing with an unspecified medical emergency." The message was sent on "encrypted police airwaves" making it "akin to a five-alarm fire had broken out."

The president's motorcade was rerouted to University Medical Center (UMC) but then those plans changed again. Police were notified that they had to "clear an express route to Harry Reid International Airport" so as to get "the president out of town as fast and as safe as humanly possible."

The President was flown out of Las Vegas on Air Force One for Rehoboth Beach, Delaware. According to Emily Goodin, the senior white house correspondent for The Daily Mail, Air Force One "flew so fast the plane shook."

Dr. Kevin O’Connor, the president’s White House physician communicated that Biden “presented this afternoon with upper respiratory symptoms, to include rhinorrhea (runny nose) and non-productive cough, with general malaise,” a diagnosis on par with a common cold.

However, according to The Dossier, "Several of the officers we spoke to said this was indeed being reported and acted upon as a full-blown medical emergency, insisting that a simple positive Covid-19 test would not have warranted such a drastic, massive response."

By Wednesday though, President Joe Biden gave a speech from the Oval Office declaring his intent to ‘pass the torch’ to younger voices because the 'defence of democracy’ is more important than personal ambition. Biden was stepping back and this came straight from the horses mouth. Everyone could see that. It was after all, broadcast on TV.

That should have put the kibosh on a flagrant conspiracy theory run amok. Right?

Not so fast. Soon after the televised event social media, comments started pouring in claiming the event was AI generated and/ or staged in a fake Oval Office, citing various "proofs." Some even claimed it wasn't even Biden but a body double.

And so it continues.


Exclusive: President Biden suffered an undisclosed medical emergency during his time in Las Vegas, police sources say
Air Force One “flew so fast the plane shook” on its way back to the east coast.


Elon Musk’s X boosts conspiracy theories that Biden is dead or dying
The conspiracy theories continued to spread even as Biden made multiple appearances throughout the week.
Trump monetizes assassination attempt by using photo as book cover
Former president further pushes self-mythology with new book and sneakers featuring shooting images
Biden says he’s bowing out of 2024 race to unite nation, defend democracy
US president says time to ‘pass the torch’ to younger voices, ‘defence of democracy’ more important than title.

Andrew K. Arnett is a writer and producer. He has been published in Paranoia Magazine, New Dawn, Nexus, Konbini and Alien Buddha Press. He lives in Brooklyn, NY and hunts ghosts with the Brooklyn Paranormal Society. Find him on Twitter: @AndrewArnett

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